Connecting victims & survivors to
likeminded organizations
Providing housing assistance
Emergency items
Mental Health Resources
Motivational Speaking
Escape Plan
HWI offers advocacy for human trafficking
survivors who need support in court,
hospitals, and police stations.
HWI visits survivors while they are in safe
temporary living situations to provide aid
with: permanent housing help, furniture,
transportation, and housing items.
Case Management
HWI helps find counseling, apply for
medical care, find employment, resume
help, free childcare for survivors while they
attend school or obtain employment,
letters of recommendation.
Programs to support freedom for all
Social Services
HWI helps find counseling, apply for medical care, find employment, resume help, free childcare for survivors while they attend school or obtain employment, letters of recommendation
Food Distribution
HWI provides weekly, and holiday food delivery services for survivors and their children through our Food Depository Program
Emergency Escape
HWI provides hotel stays, and bus or train tickets for severe cases that require immediately leaving due to lack of safe home, or shelters